XR Bavaria e.V. » Bayerns Fachvereinigung für VR, AR und 360° Video.


Our next meetup will take place online on the 30.06.2022. Great change in film and video production is upon us. It’s called “Virtual Production” and throws a lot of production methods that have been valid since the invention of the film overboard. This fundamentally changes the way films are made. So it’s about time we take a closer look at what is happening there.

Our guests:

Tim Wen – Virtual Production Expert at HTC VIVE

Tim will give us some inside into Vives latest product. The VIVE Mars CamTrack. The cost-effective solution provides accurate camera tracking for live video compositing with a set-up time that only takes minutes.

Leon Haase looked at “The importance of virtual production for the production of films and serial media products” as part of his bachelor thesis. Together with the Fresenius University of Applied Sciences, he produced a commercial for the SOS Kinderdörfer in the Hyperbowl Studios. Together with Prof.Clemens Hochreiter he will give us some insight into his project and tell us about his journey in the world of virtual production.

We are still checking if we can find a venue and make this a hybrid event. For now we will do this online only via Zoom.

Cheers Clarence


Event Category

XR Bavaria Events


30 June


19:00 – 22:00



Extended Reality Bavaria e.V.


